Submission of Contributions

  • Authors are invited to submit an abstract, but may also choose to submit a full article. Both will be considered for publication in Medicinski razgledi (
  • All contributions will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee.
  • Accepted papers will be published in the congress e-book of abstracts and articles which will be distributed to all congress participants.
  • Each presenting author may submit one contribution.
  • Please ensure you check your text and data carefully before submitting the paper, as changes or additions will not be accepted after the submission closes.
Please note that the Scientific Committee is unable to take any responsibility for any errors in grammar, spelling or scientific findings.

Paper Submission Deadline

  • Paper submission deadline  - Closed
  • Notification of acceptance will be sent electronically to the submitting author by August 20, 2024.  
  • The organisers will publish only papers submitted by the authors, who will settle their registration fee by August 30, 2024.

Main topics

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cerebrovascular diseases
  • Aortic diseases
  • Peripheral arterial disease
  • Venous thromboembolic disease
  • Chronic venous insufficiency
  • Superficial venous thrombosis
  • Lymphedema
  • Vascular malformations
  • Microcirculation
  • Vasospastic disorders
  • Vasculitis
  • Ageing and vascular diseases
  • Preventive vascular medicine
  • Artificial intelligence and vascular diseases
  • Genetics and vascular diseases

Presentation Formats

The Scientific Committee will ultimately decide on the final presentation format of the submitted papers (oral or poster presentations). Please make sure to indicate the preferred presentation type on the paper submission web site.

Method of Submission

  • All papers must be submitted via online form, accessible upon registration with your e-mail address and password.
  • Successful submission will be confirmed immediately by an e-mail. In case you will not receive confirmation within 24 hours after submitting the paper, please check your spam folder and in case of no confirmation e-mail please contact: [email protected].
  • All correspondence concerning the paper will be sent to submitting author’s e-mail address.

Paper Submission Instructions

  • Papers can be submitted on topics listed above.
  • Papers have to be written in English.
  • Submitted papers must be original. Papers previously published or presented at an international scientific meeting should not be submitted.
  • Fill in the submitting author's name and e-mail address properly - these contact details will serve for further correspondence with the author(s).
  • Presenting author should be registered.

Abstract Layout

  • The length of the abstract should not exceed 350 words.
  • Title: The title of the abstract should be brief, clearly indicating the content of the abstract. Use a capital letter for the first letter in the title only (do not capitalise each word).
  • Names of the authors: Submit the full given name(s) and the family name. Do not include degrees or professional titles.
  • Original contributions should have uniform structure with following headings of the paragraphs: Background, Patients and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Type the listed headings in bold. Do not write the headings in separate lines. Start the text of the paragraph immediately after the colon (“:”) without pressing the “Enter” key.
  • The structure of Case reports and Reviews is free, but otherwise they should fulfil all abstract instructions.
  • No references can be included.
  • A maximum of one Figure up to 600 pix is allowed.

Abstract Submission

Article Layout

  • The length of the article should not exceed 1800 words.
  • Title: The title of the article should be brief, clearly indicating the content of the article. Use a capital letter for the first letter in the title only (do not capitalise each word).
  • Names of the authors: Submit the full given name(s) and the family name. Do not include degrees or professional titles.
  • Summary: summary should contain a maximum of 300 words. For original contributions, it should be structured (Background, Patients and methods, Results, Conclusions).
  • Main body: Original contributions should have uniform structure with following sections: Introduction, Patients and Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations, and Conclusions. The structure of Case reports and Reviews is free, but otherwise they should fulfil all article instructions.
  • References: Up to 7 references can be included. The reference list should conform to the Vancouver Style.
  • Tables and Figures: A maximum of one Table and one Figure up to 600 pix is allowed. The tables should be submitted as an image.

Article Submission

Instructions for Poster Preparation

  • Posters must be brought to the Conference by the presenting author and should not be mailed in advance.
  • The required dimensions of posters are 95 cm (width) by 140-180 cm (height).
  • Please state the title, the authors and their affiliations at the top of the poster in bold lettering of about 2.5 to 3 cm size.
  • Artwork and lettering should be large and clear enough to ensure reading from a distance of 1.5 m.
  • Participants will view posters during coffee and lunch breaks. Presenters are encouraged to be available for further information at their posters during coffee breaks and lunches, but this is not mandatory.

    Poster sample

Instructions for Oral Communication Preparation

  • Presentations for oral communications must be brought to the Conference by the presenting author and should not be mailed in advance.
  • Please state the title, the authors and their affiliations on the title slide.
  • Participants will have 10 minutes to present their oral communication, with additional 2 minutes for answering the questions.


If you have any questions regarding paper submission, please contact [email protected].